Sunday, February 13, 2011

It's not a race but it shouldn't be the slowest walk in the world

I lost 2 lbs! That's 2 weeks worth of "workin" it. I'm very happy with that but man, the weight is just not coming off as fast as it used to! I'm 6 weeks in and 6 lbs down. While that is great and MUCH better than being no pounds down or being pounds up, 1 pound a week for the amount of effort i've been putting in to this seems little.

But hey, i'll take it and be proud!! Here's to more success!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So Cold!

It's SO cold here. Once again we are "iced" in and work is currently delayed and maybe even closed for the day. My WW center wasn't open on Sat. for my weigh in because of the weather so I'm looking foward to this Saturday. Hopefully I will have seen some results. I definitely have cabin fever and want to eat chocolate in this cold weather. Luckily, there isn't really any here! I ran 3 times this week but so far haven't exercised at all this week. I'm taking a week off and will start again next week with some more movement. I'm excited it's already Wednesday! That means the weekend is near! :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

No Computer

Our computer canked out on us last week and we haven't taken it anywhere to get it fixed. I'm blocked from blogspot at work but am working from home today because of bad weather so i have access today! Wohoo!

So Saturday was a success but a VERY small one. I lost .4 pounds. That's not even HALF of a pound. Happy for the loss but I was frustrated because i've been following everything to a T as well as getting work outs in. I am hoping my body was just retaining water because it was that time of the month. Already almost done with half of this week so i'm excited to see my progress on Saturday!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I'm a Loser!

Wohoo! Another 1.8 down for a total of 3.6 for the last 2 weeks. I'll really concentrate on hitting 5 pounds next Saturday. Realistically, if I can lose 5 pounds a month, I can be down to my goal weight by May! It feels so long though.

I like how every week I compare my weight loss to "well if I do "x" for this long, I'll be this much down." I have to do that to psyche myself out. I really enjoy being aware of what I eat but there are times, naturally, where I just say you know what, I want to chow down or I would love to have a few drinks tonight. And the beauty of WW is that I can do that if I want, I just know that if I do, I won't be helping my weight loss efforts. The lifestyle change isn't about being perfect all of the time but I feel like if I can just try to be perfect for the first few months, then I can lose more and then ease back in to more situations where I'm not perfect all the time but I am most of the time.

So, here's to another week of smart eating choices and some good work outs! I've got to get my boot-ay in better shape if I want it to fit in the toob at the river this summer! ;)


Saturday, January 15, 2011

A loss is a loss!

I made it through an awesome week of making great food choices, working out, and being happy! I wasn't ever hungry, i ate a lot of delicious food, and because of my personality, I actually prefer planning everything out a day ahead. It also helps keep me on track. Throughout the day I may switch stuff around but since I know my plan for later in the day, i have a realistic idea of the points plus values I can allot to something.

Down 1.8 this week. It's such a small number but a lot of those will equal a big number. For example, if I can average 1.8 pounds per week for 16 weeks, I will have lost almost 29 pounds. So the small number look small now but in the long run will lead to a large number.

A loss is a loss! Here's to another week of smart, healthy choices!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Same old song and dance

The goal this year is to not let the title of my blog today be a reality! I don't want to repeat the same goals every year, which losing weight is always one, because clearly that means they were never met!

I went to my first WW meeting on Saturday. I had been following the PP+ plan since Monday so I was already familiar with it when I got there. I'm excited about the changes I've made and will be making. Since I did so well on the program with tracking online before, i've been very diligent about recording every single thing I put in to my body. Everything, regardless of whether it's a sip of this or a taste of that. I'm recording it. I've elminated alcohol for all days except for 1 night a week and very much in moderation even that night. I was able to get in 4 work out last week and my goal is going to be 3-4 a week.

I absolutely didn't do well the last half of this year. I've gained back some weight, not all of it but I definitely would've if I hadn't taken the reigns and re-commit to a healthy lifestyle. For a while I was literally eating anything I wanted, not thinking about it twice and i'm pretty sure there may have been multiple days within a week where I may have had 1-2 vegetables or fruit a day. That's ridiculous. I did figure out the source of my issue though so at least I can move past it all now and start fresh.

I've gotten my sister to join WW too and we are doing it "together" although she's in another town. We email each other in the mornings with our food plan and swap recipes.

I'm excited!!! I can't wait to see changes! I'll update next week with my progress!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Weigh in Day- 2/6

Down 1.8 this week for a total of 11 pounds so far this year! I do have to admit that I didn't work out once this week :( I am going to do much better with that next week. I stuck with the food plan but didn't get any additional activity in. The last thing I want is skin hanging down after I've lost weight. I need to work out so i can be toned! Very happy with my progress so far.

Brandon has lost 25 lbs so far this year!! I'm so proud of him! He wants to get down another 30 before our vacation in mid-May.

As of today, I am 11.2 pounds away from hitting my goal at 160. Again, since i don't ever remember being that weight, I may adjust that down the closer I get but that has been my go to number since I started this last year. Once I hit it, I will have lost 43 pounds total since I started in 09.

This is going to be a tough week for me no doubt with all of the activities and events I'm planning to go to but I will do my best to make the best choices I can and to enjoy it all as well!

Here's to anothe fantastic week!